As a leading company in restorative dentistry and tissue regeneration, Dentalis Bio Solution respects the laws and regulations of various countries and jurisdictions. Apart from this,
Dentalis Bio Solution has its own Group Code of Conduct in order to ensure that as a company and as individual workers, realize that we must conduct our business in a legal, ethical and responsible matter simultaneously respecting the environment.
True to Dentalis Bio Solution’s guiding principle of “going above and beyond”, this Code passes the basic legal requirements and stays parallel with industry guidelines and other principles. As a company, we strongly believe that ethical behavior and good corporate citizenship are important to our long-term sustainable development and are as a result in the interest of all our partners, especially our staff, shareholders, customers and the communities in which we operate. We respect human rights and our company is committed to respecting human rights.
All our employees are required to be familiar with this Code and to conduct themselves in accordance with all parts of the document. This means, that throughout our company we promote personal responsibility and aspire to trust and respect in all our relationships.