Dentalis Advantage
The preservation of the marginal bone is crucial from both a functional and an aesthetic point of view. There are some forms of bone loss that are commonly accepted as necessary consequences of implant treatment; however, we have never accepted this approach.
To preserve marginal bone levels and establish the biological width at the abutment level, it is crucial to ensure the perfect amount of stimulation of the bone and promote the growth of healthy soft tissue. The design of implant systems demands a deep understanding of biology, mechanics, and chemistry, and how these three fields interact.
Early in the development of the Dentalis Implant System, we realized the importance of a holistic approach; this is why our implant system incorporates biological, biomechanical and biochemical principles. Our implant system was created to combine several interdependent features: BAS Bio-Active Surface™, Mini & Micro cortical Thread™, Platform Switching and Connective Flow™. These components are known as the Dentalis Bio-Support Composition™, and the unique combinations of these key features provide reliable and successful long-term results – leading to customer satisfaction, guaranteed.
Each component of the Dentalis Bio-Support Composition™ plays an important role. BAS Bio-Active Surface™ allows for stimulation where the bone heals around the implant. The Mini & Micro Cortical Thread then help protect the bone through optimal biomechanical and biological conditions, distributing the optimal load and eliminating micro-movements and microleakage. Lastly, the Connective Flow™ creates the proper geometry and enhanced soft tissue contact zone and volume to protect the marginal bone.
Ultimately, this is the secret behind the minimal 0.3 millimeters mean marginal bone level reduction achieved with the Dentalis Implant System.
The combination of innovative surface technology with 344% stronger bone reduces marginal bone loss and provides for a higher BIC%, decreasing the risk of peri-implant disease. The enhanced
deep thread simplifies the insertion and allows
for high primary stability.
The combination of innovative surface technology with 344% stronger bone reduces marginal bone loss and provides for a higher BIC%, decreasing the risk of peri-implant disease. The enhanced
deep thread simplifies the insertion and allows
for high primary stability.

Stay Safe. Wear a Mask!
The pink tissue versatile implant neck combines superior gingival aesthetics and high primary stability, improved placement, and temporization,
which is particularly beneficial in
aesthetically demanding cases.
The pink tissue versatile implant neck combines superior gingival aesthetics and high primary
stability, improved placement, and
temporization, which is particularly
beneficial in aesthetically demanding
The pink tissue versatile implant neck combines superior gingival aesthetics and high primary stability, improved placement, and temporization, which is particularly beneficial in aesthetically demanding cases.