The challenges of
The challenges of
Patients who are either partially or completely edentulous now have more treatment options due to dental implant-supported restorations. A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed directly into the jaw and supports a prosthetic crown, replacing the tooth functionally and esthetically. It is widely considered a predictable and reliable treatment modality. However, it has become clear that even though this popular treatment is effective in the majority of patients, implants do occasionally experience issues and failures, requiring substantial periodontal and prosthodontic maintenance over time (1, 2). These difficulties primarily refer to inflammation brought on by a bacterial challenge. Peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis (PI) are the two clinical variations that can be identified. While both disorders share the presence of an inflammatory lesion, only the later variety manifests with loss of supporting bone, indicating that the accumulation of a bacterial biofilm causes an inflammatory state of the soft tissue and bone, leading to bone atrophy (3, 4).

Despite this vast knowledge surrounding PI, the incidence of PI is still very common, ranging from a prevalence of 28-51%. In a study examining the incidence of PI conducted by Derks et. al, PI was found in 45% of all patients. 14.5% of cases were found to have moderate or severe peri-implantitis. Patients with periodontitis and less than four implants, as well as those who had prosthetic therapy from general practitioners and implants of particular brands, showed greater odds ratios for moderate-to-severe PI (13).
While there is no consistent treatment available for PI, multiple material solutions to prevent PI have been developed by Dentalis®.
The tissue-level implant minimizes the size of the micro-gap where bacteria can colonize, and promotes stability, leading to better wound healing. These implants have been shown to minimize the occurrence of PI and are a viable alternative solution to bone-level implants (13, 14).
The second major preventative measure is an anti-bacterial coating on the implants. The coating offered by Dentalis® has been shown to minimize bacterial adhesion and promote osteoblast activity, meaning that the coating stimulates osseointegration and can prevent PI (15) .
Dentalis® products offer various preventative options for PI to maximize the quality, longevity, comfort, and esthetic results for patients requiring dental implant restorations.

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