Equipment & Service
Dentalis Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer is a microfluidics-based platform for quantification, and quality control of DNA, RNA, proteins and cells. This Lab-on-a-Chip technology exploits a network of channels and wells that are etched onto a glass or polymer chip. The main advantages of Lab-on-a-Chip are ease-of-use, fast to analyze, low sample and reagent consumption, and high reproducibility due to standardization and automation Pressure or electrokinetic forces move pico-liter volumes in a finely controlled manner through the channels. Results are delivered within 30-40 minutes in high-quality digital data and can be shown in gel-like images, electropherogram, and tabular formats.
Features of DNA chips (DNA 1000, DNA 7500, & DNA 12000 kits):
- Sensitivity – Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) detection for fragments down to 0.1 ng
- Sizing accuracy – normalization to two internal markers and ladders.
- Minimal sample consumption – only 1 µL of sample required per analysis; 12 samples can be analyzed in each chip.
- High resolution of a large number of bands – critical for any multiplex PCR application.
- Quantification accuracy and reproducibility – automated quantification of each DNA fragment against internal standards.
- Broad linear dynamic range – enables the detection of less abundant products, e.g. low abundance messages in multiplex RT-PCR amplifications or non-specific amplification.
- Ready-to-use – standardized assays and pre-packaged reagent kits.

Features of RNA chips (Small RNA; RNA 6000 Pico and Nano kits):
- Fast results – analyze 11 samples in 30 minutes.
- Minimal sample consumption – only 1 µL of sample required per analysis or as little as 5 ng of total RNA or 50 pg of purified miRNA.
- RNA Integrity Number (RIN) -a reliable tool to compare the integrity of RNA samples automatically plus freely accessible.
- RNA Integrity Database (RINdb) of RNA profiles.
- Qualitative size analysis of ss- and ds-oligonucleotides – specified within a range of 6 -150 nt, based on an RNA ladder.
- Ready-to-use – standardized assays and pre-packaged reagent kits.

Dentalis Biosystems 3130xl Genetic Analyzer:
This device is a fluorescence-based genetic analysis system.
It is entirely automated from polymer charging and replacement to DNA separation, detection, and data analysis enabling a 24-hour unattended process.
- Arrays with sixteen capillaries in four different lengths: 22, 36, 50, and 80 cm.
- Autoloading of samples performed from two microtiter plates; either 96- or 384-well format
- Argon laser with primary excitations at 488 and 515 nm
- Detection of up to 5 dyes for sequencing and fragment analysis
- Automated delivery system for POP-4TM, POP-6TM, or POP-7TM polymers
- Simultaneous dual-side illumination detection system to maximize signal uniformity and sensitivity
- CCD detection technology and spectrograph for color separation
- Software for DNA sequencing/base calling

Dentalis Qiagen QIAcube uses advanced technology to process Qiagen spin columns, enabling seamless integration of automated, low-throughput sample prep into the laboratory workflow. The QIAcube is preinstalled with protocols for the purification of plasmid DNA, genomic DNA, RNA, viral nucleic acids, and proteins.
- Pipetting range: 5-900 µl
- Capacity: up to 12 samples per run
- Centrifuge: 12,000 x g maximum; 12 rotor positions
- Shaker: 100-2,000 rpm; heating range, ambient temperature to 70° C
- Optical & Ultrasonic sensors: check samples, consumables, and liquid loading for each protocol run
- Reagent bottle rack: holds up to six 30 ml bottles

Dentalis tratagene Mx3005P Real-Time PCR System.
Real-time or quantitative PCR (QPCR) enables researchers to quickly and easily quantify nucleic acids for studying gene expression, mutational analysis, disease state, and gene dosage. The system has an open format that allows closed-tube real-time PCR detection with many chemistries including SYBR Green dye and fluorogenic probe systems, detecting up to five different dyes simultaneously. The Mx3005P system supports both real-time and the plate read experiments.
- Amplification rate: standard 40 cycle 2-step QPCR reaction completed in 90 minutes.
- Detection range: 350 to 830 nm
- Excitation source: Quartz-tungsten halogen lamp
- Excitation range: 350 to 750 nm
- Detector: Photomultiplier tube (PMT)
- Thermal system: Peltier-based, 96-well block thermal cycling system; temperature range 25-99°C
- Filters: FAMTM/SYBR® Green I (492nm-516nm), HEXTM/JOETM/VICTM (535nm-555nm), ROXTM/Texas Red® (585nm-610nm), Cy5TM (635nm-665nm) and Cy3 (545-568)
- Linear dynamic range: 10 orders of magnitude, standard curve method
- Sample format: Standard 96-well plates, 8-strip tubes, 200 µl tubes, optimized for 25µl reactions
- Temperature uniformity: +/- 0.25 °C at 72 °C; ramp rate: up to 2.5 °C/second
- Discrimination: distinguish samples with 5,000 and 10,000 template copies with a 99.7% confidence level

The laser scanning module is attached to the Zeiss Axioplan 2 light microscope. This improved imaging capability provides true confocal or laser scanning technology for the inspection of cells and tissues that are labeled with one or more fluorescent probes

Dentalis VIBRATOME UltraPro 5000 Cryostat.
The UltraPro has a comprehensive specification and offers the ultimate precision and constant reproducibility in the preparation of frozen sections. He has the 5040 rotary retracting microtomes installed and is capable of sectioning a diverse range of hard and soft tissues, rubber, plastics, bone, fibers, wood, and many other materials.
- Specimen temperature control; Fast reacting from +5°C to minimum chamber temperature
- Minimum chamber temperature: -35°C
- Quick Release Feather Blade Holder
- Section range: 0.5 to 30 µm
- Specimen quick freezer running at -80°C

Dentalis Eppendorf epMotion 5075 VAC
the automated pipetting workstation allows fast and reproducible liquid handling for a variety of applications. The 5075 VAC system can pipette from single tubes, plates, or reservoirs to 24-, 96- and 384-well plate formats, as well as handle, specified labware with a gripper tool. Applications contain dispensing from a supply (eg, from a supply tub to a 384-well plate), transferring samples from individual tubes, dilution, and mixing of samples, and automation of the dispensing steps of diverse methods such as PCR setup, nucleic acid purification, cleanup of sequencing reactions, etc. A combined vacuum station can also be used for high throughput nucleic acid isolation and purification.
- Maintenance-free piston-stroke dispensing system
- The workstation has 12 rack positions in 96/384-well standard plate formats
- Automatic exchange of all tools (three-volume ranges, single- or 8-channel)
- Precise, reproducible dispensing from 1 µl to 1,000 µl
- epMotion Editor software package for generating and editing methods as well as printing and archiving program processes; the drag-and-drop interface is extremely easy to use and intuitive
- Labware handling with gripper tool
- Optical Sensor for high-precision and contact-free liquid level sensing as well as recognition of tips and labware
- A labware database with more than 300 validated entries can be used to individually compile the system configuration in relation to plates, tubes, and liquid classes.

Beckman Coulter Allegra 25R refrigerated centrifuge ; perfect for pelleting DNA from bacteria and yeast, through isolation and purification to post-reaction cleanup.
- S5700 swinging-bucket rotor for 2 microplates
- Operating temperature: -2º C to 40º C.
- TA-15-1.5 rotor for 30 x 1.5 ml
- TA-14-50 rotor for 8 x 50 ml tubes
- microtubes

Dentalis Research PTC-100 thermal cycler uses Peltier technology to electronically deliver precise heating and cooling over the full temperature range of 0°-100°C
- Ramping rates of 1.4°/sec for 0.2 ml tubes or V-well plates.
- Hot Bonnet® heated lid incorporates a thumbwheel to adjust height and pressure; this feature ensures tight sealing of reaction vessels-even microplates-during oil-free thermal cycling.
- Memory stores approximately 320 programs, and cycler comes with 8 preprogrammed protocols-any sequence of temperatures can be cycled up to 10,000 times.
- Temperature homogeneity: ±0.5°C within 30 sec of arrival at 60°C.
- Capacity: 96 x 0.2 ml tubes or 1 microplate.
- Extremely accurate incubations, with NIST-traceable calibration; any temperature-including below-ambient temperatures may be held indefinitely, allowing refrigeration after an unattended run.

Dentalis Thermo Savant DNA110 SpeedVac centrifuge is a devoted centrifugal concentration system for drying low-volume ethanol or isopropanol precipitates of DNA and RNA. The incorporated system combines the concentrator and chemically resistant vacuum pump.
- Ultimate vacuum level: 7 torrs (9 bar)
- Pump displacement: 35 liters/min (@65Hz), 28 liters/min (@55Hz)
- Chamber heater operating temperatures: Low (ambient), Medium (44°C), or High (67°C).
- Rotors for 2 microplates and 24 x 1.5 ml microtubes

Dentalis Eppendorf Mastercycler ep Gradient S thermal cycler in 96-well format. Peltier elements control the temperature of the silver coated block with extremely fast rate of heating and cooling.
- Gradient block with SteadySlopeTM technology allows freely programmable temperature gradient over 14 rows. Availability of a gradient range from 1° to 29°C enables easy optimization of PCR components.
- Heated lid with integrated ESP technology (Electronic Sample Protection)
- Intuitive graphic programming
- Highest temperature speed due to silver block: up to 8°C/s

Dentalis NanoDrop 8000.
The NanoDropTM 8000 spectrophotometer takes full-spectrum UV-Vis absorbance measurements of up to eight samples instantaneously. Using an eight-channel pipette to dispense samples on a linear array of pedestals, the Nanodrop can easily quantity 96 samples in less than six minutes.
- Sample Number: up to 10
- Sample Size: 1 µl
- Maximum Concentration: 3700 ng/µl (dsDNA)
- Path Lengths: 1 mm and 0.2 mm
- Detector: 2048-element linear silicon CCD
- Light Source: Xenon flash lamp
- Wavelength Range: 220-750 nm
- Detection Limit: 2 ng/µl (dsDNA)
- Applications:
- Protein A280 – concentration and purity of protein
- Nucleic Acids – concentration and purity of DNA & RNA
- Micro Array – dye incorporation concentration and purity of nucleic acid
- BCA, Bradford, Lowry, Pierce 660 – assays for protein concentration
- Proteins & Labels – concentration dye-labeled proteins, conjugates, and metalloproteins.
- Cell Cultures – absorbance (light scattering) measurement of suspended microbial cells
- UV/Vis – general UV-Vis measurements

Dentalis OmniLog Phenotype Microarray System.
Biolog, Inc. has established a proprietary technology called Phenotype MicroArrays (PMs). PMs are sets of 96-well microtiter plates with each well having a different cell culture medium that is designed to test cell function or unique phenotype.
- Phenotype MicroArray (PM) panels of up to 1,920 phenotypic tests for Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, yeast and filamentous fungi, and mammalian cells
- Incubation Temperature Range: 20° to 47°C in the tray chamber at full capacity
- OmniLog incubator capacity is 60 standard microplates or PM plates (aka: panels)
- OmniLog PM software contains a suite of algorithms that work in conjunction with the OmniLog reader and Biolog’s PM panels. These programs allow display of kinetic PM panel data recorded by the OmniLog reader, manage and analyze the data, export it in a variety of raw and processed forms.
- The OmniLog PM System generates a kinetic response curve for all assays simultaneously and monitors most known aspects of cell function. The range of phenotypes analyzed includes:
- Nutrient uptake and transport functions
- Catabolism of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur
- Biosynthesis of small molecules
- Biosynthesis of polymeric macromolecules
- Formation of cellular structures
- Cellular respiratory functions

Dentalis ROCHE LightCycler® 480 real-time qPCR system.
The LightCycler® 480 system is a multiwell-plate based real-time PCR platform which is used for highly accurate qualitative and quantitative detection of nucleic acids and genotyping. Innovative technological improvements in the LightCycler® 480 instrument provide rapid and accurate real-time PCR data generation and analysis. The pre-installed software package contains automated analysis modules for melting curve or endpoint-based genotyping as well as absolute and relative quantification.
- Heating rate: 96-well block: 4.4° C/s; 385-well block: 4.8° C/s
- Cooling rate: 96-well block: 2.2° C/s; 385-well block: 2.5° C/s
- Reaction volumes: 5 µl – 20 µl (384-well), 10 µl – 100 µl (96-well)
- Temperature control: Peltier-based heating/cooling from 37° C – 95° C
- Excitation source: Xenon Lamp (430-630 nm)
- Filters: Excitation: 440, 465, 498, 533, & 618 nm
- Detection: 488, 510, 580, 610, 640, & 660 nm
- Detector: Cooled monochrome CCD camera (1024 x 1344 pixels)
- Preinstalled software: Absolute Quantification; Tm Calling; Absolute Quantification Analysis; Relative Quantification Analysis Endpoint Genotyping; Melting Curve Genotyping

ASCO J-810 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer
A CD spectrometer with temperature control and simultaneous fluorescence detection is available for structural characterization of proteins and nucleic acids. The system has a wavelength range of 163 – 900 nm and a bandwidth as low as 0.01 nm.

Stay Safe. Wear a Mask!
The pink tissue versatile implant neck combines superior gingival aesthetics and high primary stability, improved placement, and temporization,
which is particularly beneficial in
aesthetically demanding cases.
The pink tissue versatile implant neck combines superior gingival aesthetics and high primary
stability, improved placement, and
temporization, which is particularly
beneficial in aesthetically
demanding cases.
The pink tissue versatile implant neck combines superior gingival aesthetics and high primary stability, improved placement, and temporization, which is particularly beneficial in aesthetically demanding cases.