For over two decades, Dentalis has led implant dentistry into a new era of attainability and aesthetics.
The pink tissue versatile implant neck combines
superior gingival aesthetics and high primary
stability, improved placement, temporization,
which is particularly beneficial in the
most aesthetically demanding
1.Bittner N, Schulze-Späte U, Cleber S, Da Silva J, Kim D, Tarnow D, Ishikawa-Nagai S, Gil M. Comparison of Peri-implant Soft Tissue Color with the Use of Pink-Neck vs Gray Implants and Abutments Based on Soft Tissue Thickness:
A 6-Month Follow-up Study. Int J Prosthodont. 2020Jan/Feb;33(1):29-38.
2. Gil M, Ishikawa-Nagai S, Elani H, Da Silva J, Kim D, Tarnow D, Schulze-Späte U, Cleber S, Bittner N. Comparison of the Color Appearance of Peri-implant Soft Tissue with Natural Gingiva Using Anodized Pink-Neck Implants and Pink Abutments: A Prospective Clinical Trial. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2019 May/June;34(3):752–758.
3.Gil M, Ishikawa-Nagai S, Elani H. A prospective clinical trial to assess the optical efficacy of pink neck implants and pink abutments on soft tissue aesthetics. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2017;29(6):1-7.38.
For over two decades, Dentalis has led implant dentistry into a new era of attainability and aesthetics.
The pink tissue versatile implant neck combines superior gingival aesthetics and high primary stability, improved placement, and temporization, which is particularly beneficial in aesthetically demanding cases.

1.Bittner N, Schulze-Späte U, Cleber S, Da Silva J, Kim D, Tarnow D, Ishikawa-Nagai S, Gil M. Comparison of Peri-implant Soft Tissue Color with the Use of Pink-Neck vs Gray Implants and Abutments Based on Soft Tissue Thickness:
A 6-Month Follow-up Study. Int J Prosthodont. 2020Jan/Feb;33(1):29-38.
2. Gil M, Ishikawa-Nagai S, Elani H, Da Silva J, Kim D, Tarnow D, Schulze-Späte U, Cleber S, Bittner N. Comparison of the Color Appearance of Peri-implant Soft Tissue with Natural Gingiva Using Anodized Pink-Neck Implants and Pink Abutments: A Prospective Clinical Trial. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2019 May/June;34(3):752–758.
3.Gil M, Ishikawa-Nagai S, Elani H. A prospective clinical trial to assess the optical efficacy of pink neck implants and pink abutments on soft tissue aesthetics. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2017;29(6):1-7.38.
Consistency, easy and flexibility
Dentalis Bio Solution offers more than just a product; we offer full support for what we sell. With many years of research and experience, we have clinically proven the superiority of our implant system.
At Dentalis Bio Solution, we design all of our products, treatment methods, and innovations with three goals in mind: consistency, ease and flexibility.
Implants designed for optimal tissue response.
Reduced healing time.
Conical internal hex connection with 45° central hole for maximum stability.
A logical component structure.
Procedures that are easy to learn.
One surgical kit.
Successful outcomes with any indication.
Free choice of surgical procedure.
A wide range of prosthetic options.